The Programme „Smoking and Me“ has Exerted its Impact on Elemen-
tary Schoolchildren already for Three Years
The programme „Smoking and Me“ had a favourable impact on upward trends of
smokers also in 8th form schoolchildren: in schools participating in the progra-
mme during the summer holiday between the 8th and 9th form regularly 14.3%
children smoked as compared with 18.6% children in control schools: these
differences are highly significant (p < 0.001).
Smoking among children - occasional or regular is significantly associated with
other types of risk behaviour, in particular consumption of alcohol and illicit
In the majority of schools are children who encountered bullying, sexual harassing
and children who had sexual intercourse with adults. This is not typical only for
large cities but was recorded in all places when the surveys were made.
The response to the programme „Smoking and Me“ among teachers is evidence of
its popularity. Interest in the programme is manifested by increasing numbers of
schools from different districts.
Key words:
schoolchildren - smoking - alcohol - sexual activities