A combination of novel amino acid formulae of a higher generation and the recognition of the conditional
essential character of amino acids introduce new options for the management of critical illness. The effectiveness
of specific types of nutrition is further increased by a combination with new types of fat emulsions
based on a combination of triacyl-glycerols and saturated fatty acids, MCT oils, monoen-triacylglycerols
and an optimal combination of triacyl-glycerols containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
An indubitable contribution and a pioneer trend is the combination of higher generations of the amino acid
formulae Neonutrin 10% and 15% and optimized fat emulsions of the SMOFlipid type in all-in-one mixtures
for intensive care.
Key words:
artificial nutrition – specific nutrients – amino solutions – lipid emulsions – pharmaconutrition