Lack of Insight, Non-compliance and Their Mutual Relations in Schizophrenic Disorder
Čéšková E., Přikryl R., Kašpárek T., Kučerová H.
Psychiatrická klinika LF MU a FN Brno, přednostka prof. MUDr. E. Čéšková, CSc. |
Lack of insight and non-compliance in schizophrenic patients are often observed. The lack of insight is considered to be a primary symptom of disease. It is also common in first — episode schizophrenia. After the psychotic episode a trend to improvement is seen, especially during the first year. Available data show that lack of insight is associated with cognitive deficit, non-compliance and insufficient sociál functioning. The possibilities to improve the lack of insight are scarce, psychoeducation and cognitive behavioral therapy are not very successful, positive effect can be rather observed with biological treatment. Non-compliance may be addressed by the right cho-ice of antipsychotic drug and therapeutic alliance between the psychiatrists, patients and their relatives.
Key words:
schizophrenic disorder, first-episode schizophrenia, lack of insight, non-compliance, choice of treat¬ment, psychoeducation.