Von Willebrand´s Disease - Type 2N (Case-report)
Žarnovičanová M., Pelikánová S.
Hematologické oddelenie, Regionálne centrum hemostázy a trombózy, NsP F. D. Roosevelta, Banská Bystrica, Slovenská republika, prednosta prim. MUDr. Mária Žarnovičanová |
Isolated reduced coagulation activity of FVIII may be a manifestation of haemophilia A, carriership
of haemophilia A, haemophilia A in a woman, acquired haemophilia A and type 2N of von
Willebrand´s disease. The authors were concerned with the cause of isolated reduction of the
coagulation activity of factor VIII (19 IU/dl) in a 40-year-old woman with a history of excessive
haemorrhage of the type of mild haemophilia A with a negative family history. The personal
history, family history and laboratory examination suggested type (variant) 2N of von Willebrand
´s disease. For indirect evidence the authors used a therapeutic study where they investigated
the effect of administration of a concentrate of coagulation factors VIII/von Willebrand´s
factor (1/2), 28 IU factor VIII/kg body weight, on the coagulation activity of factor VIII. They
recorded a half-life prolonged to 53 hours as compared with controls where the half-life was less
than 12 hours. The therapeutic study confirmed sufficient coagulation activity of factor VIII, the
utilization of which improved as a result of administration of von Willebrand´s factor. This investigation
confirmed indirectly as the cause of reduced coagulation activity of factor VIII in the
examined patient the assumed type (variant) 2N of von Willebrand´s disease.
Key words:
Von Willebrand´s factor - Von Willebrand´s disease - von Willebrand´s disease type 2N