The frequencies of diagnostic procedures, average administered activity of radiopharmaceuticals
(RAF) and collective effective dose arising from the practice of nuclear medicine in the Czech
Republic (CR) in the one - year period of 1995 and 1996 years, are presented. The General Health
Insurance Comp., covering 75% of the population of the CR provided the necessary data. Taking into
account the age distribution of patients and age dependent conversion factors, the mean annual
effective dose per caput and per examination in CR amount to 0.09 mSv and 4.8 mSv, respectively.
These figures as well as 21 administrations per thousand of population are lower than those in USA
and Germany, but higher than in most European countries. 99mTc is by far the most common
radionuclide, used in 80% of administrations and contributing nearly 84% of the collective effective
dose. In comparison with a similar survey performed in our Republic in 1987 there is a 40% increase
in the collective effective dose (860 man Sv) due to an increase of the average activity of RAF
administered, as well as an increase in the annual number of some procedures (e.g. bone scintigrap-
hy by factor of 4).
Key words:
nuclear medicine - effective collective dose - radiopharmaceuticals