Acute Angiosurgical Attacks - an ever Urgent Subject
Vajó J., Radoňák J., Brandebur O. jr., Podhradská M.
II. chirurgická klinika FN L. Pasteura, LF UPJŠ, Košice, Slovenská republika,prednosta prof. MUDr. J. Vajó, DrSc. |
In the introduction the authors emphasize that despite the fact that acute angiosurgical attacks have a fairly typical symptomatology with a characteristic clinical finding, physicians who participate in their diagnosis and treatment are not aware of it. In the clinical explanation and the material the authors mention the causes of acute angiosurgical attacks and the fact that after acute ischaemia reperfusion occurs. In a summary table they demonstrate the dynamics of the development and increase of acute angiosurgical attacks in 1985 and 1995 in the Slovak Republic, based on statistical data of the Institute of Health Information and Statistics. In the discussion it is emphasized that in the therapeutic results of acute angiosurgical attacks an important part is played by early restoration of the circulation, at least within 6 hours, but preferably within 3 hours after the onset of clinical symptoms. In conjunction with ischaemia and reperfusion attention is drawn to the fact that during early reperfusion in the tissue or organ oxygen radicals are formed which participate in a significant way in reperfusion damage. On account of the complexity of ischaemia and reperfusion in acute angiosurgical attacks it is useful to use the clinical term „acute ischaemic reperfusion syndrome“. The authors mention possibilities how this syndrome can be favourtably influenced by suitable angiosurgical procedures and pharmacological preparations. In the conclusion the authors emphasize the rising trend of acute angiosurgic attacks, whereby the therapeutic results are not always satisfactory.
Key words:
acute ischaemia and reperfusion - acute angiosurgical attacks