Objective: Analysis of the problems concerning postnatal period in the Czech Republic over the
last 20 years from psychological point of view. The analysis is included in the basic materials for
the elaboration of prognosis in the given area for the project called ”Evaluation of the evolution,
present state and conditions to secure healthy physical, mental and social development of the
new generation until the year 2010” (Grant No. 7346-3).
Design: A retrospective analysis of the problems concerned of the postnatal period from the
viewpoint of the psychologist in the Czech Republic in the period of 1980 to 2000.
Settings: Institute for the Care of Mother and Child, Prague.
Conclusions: In the postnatal period great changes have occurred over the last 20 years especially
in connection with introduction of a joint care of the mother and the newborn by so called
”rooming-in” system. This kind of system, which favorably infl uences the relations between
mother and child as well as the breast-feeding, is mostly accepted favorably by the women.
In the Czech Republic, low attention has been paid so far to postnatal psychical disorder in the
women, especially to so called post partum or postnatal depression, which occurs in 10 to 15%
of puerperas and exerts unfavorable effect on the formed relationship between the mother and
child. It should be useful to contact these women in time and offer them a suffi cient psychosocial
The psychosocial care of the newborns at risk and their parents in our society requires to keep up
with the advanced western countries, as well as the care of parents whose newborn dies.
Key words:
postpartum period, psychical postpartum disorders, postnatal depression, roomingin,
the relationship mother-child, breast-feeding, newborn at risk, prematurely born child