Some trends in the treatment and prevention of diseases related to alcohol, drugs and gambling are reviewed. Brief
intervention is crucially important, considering high prevalence of addictive diseases. Motivation enhancement
according to the stage of motivation is used in brief intervention and also during more comprehensive therapy.
Psychological and pharmacological management of craving is used more than before. Close and systematic
co-operation between professional services and Alcoholics Anonymous and/or other self-helping groups is common
and useful. Prevention of addictive diseases includes measures such as taxation, restriction of availability, age limits,
restrictions of advertisements, and prevention of drinking under the influence of alcohol and other drugs. Effective
school based prevention utilises interactive programmes and training of relevant skills (e.g. refusal skills, relaxation
and decision making). Prevention on family level includes appropriate family monitoring and rules, moderate and
consistent family discipline and family conflict resolution. Special attention should be paid to the children whose
parents are alcohol or drug dependent. These children should, even as adults, abstain fromalcohol and other addictive
Key words:
addictive diseases, motivation, craving, alcoholics anonymous, prevention.