Background. HIV/AIDS pandemy has hit the entire world. With the use of retroviral therapy the disease
became chronic. The life prolongation often leads to complications in various organs. The aim of our
work was to determine the frequency of blood count pathology at the time when the HIV infection was
diagnosed, that means before any antiretroviral treatment was administered, and its relation to the
disease stage.
Method and Results. Out of 70 patients registered in AIDS centre in Brno University Hospital by 1st
March 2006, we have complete blood count results including absolute number of CD4+ lymphocytes. Out
of these 70 we evaluated a group of 64 HIV-positive individuals (17 women, 47 men), who were examined
at the time the disease was diagnosed. Average and medians of all blood count parameters were within the
reference range, only CD4+ lymphocytes in 1 mm3 were out of range. Pathology in red blood cells count
was found 26 times (41.9 % of examined patients), in white cell count 22 times (35.5 %). Thrombocyte
number was affected 3 times, and only in one of these cases it was a separate finding.
Conclusions. Blood count pathology is relative frequent in the HIV infected. Therefore HIV infection
should be considered as one of the possible causes of unexplained blood count pathology.
Key words:
HIV infection, blood count pathology, HIV infection stages.