Špinarová L.,Toman J., Kára T., Souček M., Zatloukal B., Tomandlová M., Štejfa M. :
Physical Training in Patients with Chornic Heart Failure: Haemodynamics, Agents
67 |
Toman J., Špinarová L., Kára T., Souček M., Zatloukal B., Lukáš Z.:
Physical Training in
Patients with Chronic Heart Failure: Functional Fitness and the Role of the Periphery
74 |
Lacigová S., Rušavý Z., Kyselová P., Jankovec Z., Kárová R., Čechurová D.:
and Long-term Effect of Metformin in Type 1 Diabetics
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Meluzín J., Jančík J., Siegelová J., Panovský R., Homolka J., Podrábská J., Müllerová J.:
Effect of Physical Training on the Magnitude of Left Ventricular Ischaemic Dysfunction in
Patients with Chronic Ischaemic Heart Disease
87 |
Ráčil Z., Adam Z., Hájek R.,Tomíška M., Krejčí M., Křivanová A., Höklová J., Doubek M., Mayer J., Vorlíček J.:
High-dosage Chemotherapy with Support of Autologous Haematopoietic
Cells in the Treatment of Multiple Myeloma - Review of Contemporary Possibilities
92 |
Žofková I.:
Advantages of Active Vitamin D Metabolites in the Treatment of Osteoporosis as Compared with Calciferol
99 |
Dzúrik R., Spustová V.:
Nitrogen Oxide and the Kidneys
101 |
Weber P.:
New Intervention Gerontology in the Geriatrization Era of Medicine
106 |
Charvát J., Kvapil M., Kubátová H., Večeř J.:
Reversible Long-term Tachycardia and
Hypertension as a Syndrom of the Autonomic Neuropathy in Combination with Sensoromotoric
Polyneuropathy in the Patient with Newly Discovered Insulin Dependent Diabetic Mellitus
111 |
Chlumský J.:
Thrombosis of the Upper Extremity in a Female Patiernt with Protein C
115 |