Górecká K., Vlček J., Walker R.:
A Comparison of Cardiovascular Drug Consumption in
the Czech Republic and Wales
592 |
Mayer O.1, Poklopová Z.1, Mádr T.1, Martínková I.2:
D-dimers in the Diagnosis of Deep Vein
598 |
Špác J.1, Pařenica J.1, Partišová M.2, Habrovcová S.2, Hamplová M.2:
Patients with Unstable
Angina Pectoris - Present State in the Czech and Moravian Hopistals in the Year 2000
603 |
Musil D.1, Herman J.2:
Anatomical and Haemodynamic Changes in Venous Vascular Bed
of Lower Extremities Affected by Chronic Venous Insufficiency
610 |
Kozáková S., Charvát J., Hrdlička L., Souček M., Kvapil M.:
The Nutrition Intervention
in Patients with Acute Cerebral Stroke
618 |
Karásek D.1, Vaverková H.1, Hutyra M.1, Halenka M.1, Novotný D.2,Budíková M.3, Slavík L.:
Endotelial Dysfunction in Members of Family with Familial Combined Hyperlipidemia.
623 |
Martínek A., Hrabovský V., Klvaňa P.:
The Application of Aspiration Puncture under
Ultrasound Control in the Therapy of Abscesses and Other Purulent Foci in the Liver, Pancreas
and Kidney.
630 |
Špinarová L.1, †Toman J.1, Hude P.1, Voháňka S.2, Vytopil M.2, Lukáš Z.3, J.1, Hude P.1, Voháňka S.2, Vytopil M.2, Lukáš Z.3,:
Disorders of Lamins in Affections of the Heart and Skeletal Muscles
637 |
Skladaný Ľ.1, Jarčuška P.2, Hrušovský Š.3, Oltman M.4, Brix M.5, Glomba J.6, .......:
Liver Biopsy in Slovakia
642 |
Zemanová E., Urban O., Chalupa J., Mrózek V., Taubová V.:
The Association of Infection
of the Clostridium Difficile with Occurrence of Pseudomembranous Colitis in a Regional Hospital
645 |
Weiss V., Kršek M., Marek J., Štěpán J., Malík J.:
Total Body Composition of Adult
Patients with Growth Hormone Deficit Before and After the Hormone Administration
650 |
Ježková J.1, Marek J.1, Prázný M.1, Kršek M.1, Malíčková K.2, Rosická M.1,Jarkovská Z.1, Pecen L.:
Influence of Hypercortisolism on the Origin and Development of Arteriosclerotic
Vascular Changes
656 |
Kroužecký A., Matějovič M., Rokyta R. jr., Novák I.:
Rhabdomyolysis - Mechanisms of
Origin, Causes, Consequences and Therapy
668 |
Burkoň P.1, Petýrek P.2, Spurný V.1:
A Cytoprotective Effect of Amifostin in the Therapy of
Tumorous Diseases
673 |
Skladaný Ľ.1, Jarčuška P.2, Oltman M.3, Hrušovský Š.4:
Percutanoues Liver Biopsy
679 |
Havel E.1, Sobotka L.2, Bedrna J.1, Hladík P.1, Maňák J.2, Bláha V.2, AdámekP.2, Vyroubal P.2, Zadák Z.2:
Cholestatic Icterus during Parenteral Nutrition and the Therapeutic Effect of Enteric
Administration - a Case Report
684 |
Brodanová M.:
689 |