Experience shoves that number of diseases where recognition and treatment is without limits of classical medicine is
rising, however it is fully within the competence of psychosomatic approach. It does not concern the classical classification
into organic and functional defects, but it concerns the possibility of complex approach. The theorem of „diagnosis
per exclusionem” is still valid, as well as it is true that the means of medicine end at its biological limitations.
We consider stressing in our article that psychosomatic diseases or psychosomatic patients do not exist and psychosomatics
is not and independent specialization. Psychosomatics is, as inseparable unity of psychic and somatic activities,
each human being. Complex biopsychosocial (psychosomatic) approach is the way of thinking and work,
which considers human in unrepeatable oneness and context of his life. It does not mean to underestimate objective
biological findings and results of instrumentally investigation, but their implanting into the complex network of consequences
of the patient’s life in order to choose the most appropriate methods of the care of the individual in healthiness
and disease.
Key words:
complex psychosomatic approach, somatisation of psychic experience, understanding of the meaning,
context of the patient’s disease, life story as a story of disease, medicalisation of human life.