The authors submit a review of histological findings and classification according
to the TNM-classification of conjunctival tumours in patients under dispensary
care at the First Ophthalmological Clinic of the Faculty Hospital and Medical
Clinic of the Comenius University in Bratislava during a 10-year period (1989-
1998). They included in the group 75 patients with clinically assessed conjunctival
tumours (0.4% of the hospitalized patients). As to histological findings, 61 times
(80.3%) a benign process was involved (naevus of the conjunctiva 12x) and 14x
(19.7%) a malignant tumour, (7x times a primary malignant melanoma of the
conjunctiva, 3x carcinoma). The authors recorded two relapses ( one malignant
melanoma of the conjunctiva, one melanoma penetrating into the orbit). The mean
age of the patients was 47 years ( from 1 to 82 years). In malignant melanoma of
the conjunctiva stage T1 was detected in as many as 3/4 of the patients (6 times ),
whereby stage pT1, 2 was found in 7 patients. In carcinoma the authors did not
detect stage T1, only stage T2 in 2 patients, T3 (pT3) in one patient.
Key words:
benign and malignant conjunctival tumours, TNM classification of