Comparison of the Activities of the Elderly in Homes of Seniors in 1989
and 2000
1Bartošovič I., 2Krajčík Š.
1Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety, Katedra ošetrovateľstva, Bratislava 2Slovenská zdravotnícka univerzita, Fakulta odborných špecializačných štúdií, Katedra geriatrie a gerontológie, Bratislava |
Background. One of important factors affecting the life of the residents in seniors’ homes (SHs) is their
activity in leisure time. The objective of our work was to describe these activities and their development
in a period of eleven years.
Methods and Results. We have examined two sets of inhabitants of SHs with our own standardized
interview: all 48 residents of one SH (average age 69.3 years) in 1989, and randomly selected 59 residents
of four SHs (average age 71.2 years) in 2000. In our questionnaire, seniors answered if they took
part in some of the proposed activities. The two sets of inhabitants were compared with each other, in
sex and age groups, and according to cognitive impairments and mobility. In statistical evaluations we
used the χ-square test in contingency tables. The inhabitants reported 179 activities, on average 3.7 activities
per one resident in 1989. In 2000 they presented 187 activities, and the average (3.2 activities per
one resident) decreased slightly. In both years, the most frequent activities were walking outdoors, watching
TV and listening to radio. In six of the compared activities we observed a decrease in the number
of residents pursuing them in 2000. When comparing the activities in sexes, we observed a greater decrease
in activities in women than in men. Comparisons in age groups revealed a greater decrease of activities
in “old” inhabitants (75 + years). In 2000, a considerable number of residents (without regard to
age) took part in activities organized by institutions. We observed a significant increase in the number of
residents with cognitive impairments and mobility deficits.
Conclusions. The authors point at the issue of leisure time activities of the elderly in seniors’ homes. In
the monitored period of eleven years, a decrease of activities was observed.
Key words:
homes of seniors, activities, elderly, gerontology, cognitive impairments, mobility.