A Cytoprotective Effect of Amifostin in the Therapy of
Tumorous Diseases
Burkoň P.1, Petýrek P.2, Spurný V.1
1Oddělení klinické a radiační onkologie, FN u sv. Anny, Brno, přednosta prim. MUDr. Vladimír Spurný, CSc.2Ústav radiobiologie a imunologie Vojenské lékařské akademie J. E. Purkyně, Hradec Králové,přednosta doc. MUDr. Aleš Macela, CSc. |
An efficient therapy of patients with tumorous diseases should include maximum killing of malignant
cells with minimal damage to cells in healthy tissues. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are
frequently associated with a series of undesirable effects. Side effects related to the therapy may
unfavorably influence quality of life for a short or long period of time, may cause the need to
decrease the dosage or shorten the overall period of treatment or survival of the patient. Therefore,
particular attention has recently been paid to compounds, which mitigate or eliminate the
undesirable effects of the therapy. A way to decrease toxicity is the administration of radioprotective
or chemoprotective compounds. The cytoprotection of healthy tissues by compounds from
the aminothiol group is one of the most promising directions of research and clinical practice.
Amifostin protects healthy tissue from damage induced by radio- or chemotherapy. In comparison
with patients treated by radiotherapy only, radiotherapy supplemented with amifostin proved to
cause significantly less acute and late untoward effects of therapy. The paper describes the
possibilities of using radioprotective drugs, especially amifostin, in the therapy of tumors with
particular emphasis to the needs of physicians dealing with the problems of internal medicine.
Key words:
Amifostin - Radiotherapy - Radioprotection - Cytoprotection - Side effects