The nationwide prospective questionnaire study of cases and controls was implemented during the
period from October 1996 till May 1998. Thirty-nine districts participated (=54.2% of district hygiene
stations) and 107 invasive meningococcal diseases were included in the study (=76.9% of diseases
recorded during the given period in the Czech Republic by active surveillance). A total of 390
subjects were included in the study – 107 with invasive meningococcal diseases, 211 healthy controls
and 72 healthy carriers of Neisseria meningitidis. This is the first study in the Czech Republic which
analyzes comprehensively socioeconomic, health and stress factors in relation to the genesis and
development of invasive meningococcal disease or carriership of N. meningitidis. The relationship
between these factors and meningococcal disease or carriership was evaluated by the chi square
test: odds ratio (OR) and statistical significance (p for chi square – Yates correction or Fischer’s
exact test). For the development of invasive meningococcal disease in particular, risk factors are
significant (p < 0.05) which at the time weaken the overall resistance of the organism: febrile
diseases, respiratory diseases, other diseases, exertion, exposure to cold, mental stress, other stress,
injury, staying in places outside the home on brigades, training courses, stay in crowded premises.
As to long-term factors the development of the disease is influenced by a contaminated environment,
passive smoking and lower education of the mother which indicates a different lifestyle. Conversely,
factors negatively correlated with the development of the disease are active participation in sports
and favourable economic conditions. For death: significant risk factors (p < 0.05) are also factors
which weaken the resistance of the organism: exertion, mental stress, other stress (= alcohol
consumption), staying outside the home on brigades, training courses etc. For carriership risk
factors are significant (p < 0.05) when the mucosal membranes of the upper airways are impaired
(staying in a dusty environment, in smoke-filled rooms, contaminated atmosphere, active smoking,
passive smoking) and factors where contact with other people is frequent (overcrowded rooms,
multi-generation housing, use of public transport, staying outside the home on brigades, training
courses etc.). A risk factor is also lower education of parents which indicates a different lifestyle.
Conversely, factors negatively correlated with carriership are favourable economic conditions,
frequent outdoor stay and active participation in sports. By comparison of factors significantly
associated with the development of invasive meningococcal disease or carriership data are assem-
bled for the implementation of effective preventive measures.
Key words:
invasive meningococcal disease – carriership of Neisseria meningitidis – risk factors.