The author in his present study focuses on the behavior of cervical fillings created using the lowviscosity composite filling materiál Tetric® Flow in combination with the 6th generation, no-mix, self-etching adhesive systém AdheSE®. The treated defects were of both carious and non-carious origin.
The study was performed on the total number of 29 patients, 10 males and 19 females with both carious and non-carious cervical lesions. The total number of 79 cervical defects was treated during the year 2002. Thirty of those defects were of carious origin and 49 of non-carious origin. The fillings were then periodically observed once a year up to 2006.
The total survival rate of those fillings after 4 years was 86.7% in čase of carious cervical lesions and 93.3% in čase of non-carious cervical lesions. The rest of the observed modified USPHS criteria were, with two exceptions, significantly better in čase of non-carious defects.
Low-viscosity composite filling materials seem to be a good choice in treating cervical defects.
Key words:
carious cervical lesions (CCL) - non-carious cervical lesions (NCCL) - low-viscosity composite filling materiál - modified USPHS criteria