Klatskin's tumour (KT) is a common cause of biliary obstruction in the region of the hepatic hilus.
Its resectability does not exceed 20 % and one-year survival 30 %. The diagnosis may be difficult
and the tumour is often confounded with other conditions. The objective of the presented paper is
to demonstrate a case, incl. diagnostic doubts associated with it. In a 54-year-old female patient
a non-resectable KT was detected, histological examination revealed however only cholecystitis.
Palliative treatment involved the insertion of endoprostheses. Subsequently the patient had repe-
ated haemorrhages from oesophageal varices and thrombosis of the porta. The oesophageal vari-
ces were eliminated endoscopically and the finding in the area of the liver hilus became
eventually normal and thus the endoprostheses could be removed. Five-year follow up indicates
that it was a benign fibrotizing process. KT may imitate benign diseases, most frequently primary
and secondary sclerotizing cholangoitis, Mirrizi's syndrome, some infections and affections of the
biliary pathways in thrombosis of the porta. This fact is often omitted in practice.
Key words:
Klatskin's tumour – oesophageal varices – endoprostheses