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  Česky / Czech version Vnitř. Lék., 45, 1999, No. 3. p. 139 - 147
Leptinaemia in the Czech Population 
Stejskal D., Stejskal P., Růžička V., Jedelský L., Horalík D., Kalina M., Bartek J. 



       Introduction: Leptin is a protein, determined by the ob-gene which influences in a fundamental way the energy metabolism of the organism. A significant effect of leptin on the haematopoietic, immunological and endocrinological system cannot be ruled out nor its effect on the course of pregnancy and maturation of the organism. In humans leptinaemia correlates with the amount of subcutaneous fat which is due to a receptor or post-receptor disorder, obese subjects suffer frequ- ently from hyperleptinaemia. Objective: to assess the mean leptinaemia of the general population, seek relations between lepti- naemia and anthropological indicators and age. Methods: Using the method of random sampling the authors examined a group of 538 probands (252 males, 286 females) incl. 12% healthy students of the Faculty of Physical Culture in Olomouc, 37% subjects without acute or chronic complications feeling in good health and 37% patients of the metabolic and diabetological ambulance of the hospital in Šternberk.In each patient a detai- led case-history was recorded, an anthropological examination was made and a venous blood sample was taken for leptin analysis (serum, ELISA-sandwich method of BIOVENDOR Co.) Results: Spectrum of patients , whose condition and age distribution in our group corresponded to the general population of the Czech Republic. The mean age of the probands was 51 years (18 to 82 years), the examined group can be characterized as subjects lacking signs of obesity. Leptinae- mia was on average about 10 ng/ml (minimum 0, maximum 97.9 ng/ml), whereby men had values round 6 and women round 14 ng/ml( women had also a greater adipose tissue mass). Non-obese subjects (BMI<26) had a mean leptinaemia of 5 ( women cca 6, men cca 2 ng/ml) , obese subjects (BMI>30) have a leptinaemia of cca 19 ng/ml (women about 26, men about 13 ng/ml). With advan- cing age the leptinaemia in adults rises up to the age of 70, in subjects above 70 years it does not change (in women it declines significantly). The dynamics of leptinaemia imitate the changes of BMI and percentage of adipose tissue (in men also a rise in WHR). Leptinaemia is associated with the BMI (correlation coefficient 0.55), with the percentage of body fat (correlation coefficient 0.75), and in men with the WHR (correlation coefficient 0.82). The association between age and leptinaemia is only indicated (correlation coefficient 0.29) and is not very close. According to the authors results subcutaneous body fat is responsible for cca 60% of the variability of leptinaemia (in women as much as 74%), BMI for 23%, age and sex for cca 9% of the vriability of leptinaemia. In men the WHR is responsible for 66% of the variability of leptinaemia. With an increase of subcuta- neous adipose tissue by 1% the leptinaemia increases by some 0.54 ng/ml (in men by 0.22 ng/ml, in women by 0.84 ng/ml), with increasing BMI leptinaemia rises by 0.44 ng/ml/u (in men by 1.3 ng/ml , in women by 1.72 ng/ml), with advancing age leptin rises by 0.24 ng/ml/year (in men by 0.16 ng/ml, in women by 0.28 ng/ml), changes of leptinaemia imitate changes of BMI and the percentage of body fat. With increasing WHR in men the leptinaemia rises by 2.6 ng/ml/0.1 WHR. Conclusion: Standards of leptinaemia for the general population of the Czech Republic were elaborated.Leptinaemia correlates most closely of all anthropometric indicators with subcutane- ous fat and in men with the WHR index. With advancing age between 20 and 70 years leptunaemia rises and then decliunes insignificantly ( in women the changes are however significant). The primary cause of the mentioned differencesare probably changes of the bodily constitution.

        Key words: Leptin - Obesity - Anthropology - BMI - WHR - Subcutaneous fat.

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