Brain Calcification due to Meningioangiomatosis?
Verhagen W. I. M., Mavrunac M ., van Dijk Azn R .
Departments of Neurology , Pathology and Radiology , Canisius-Wilhelmina Hospital, Nijmegen, the Netherlands |
A 69-year-old woman was admitted because of status epilepticus. Her medical history revealed mental
and motor deterioration during the last 9 years. She suffered from transient ischaemic attacks and
probably focal complex partial seizures. CT scans showed progressive calcification not only of the
meninges but also of the brain. She died due to pulmonary embolism. Autopsy revealed extensive
calcification of the meninges and the brain, as well as multiple conglomerates of atypical, mainly
venous, blood vessels. Calcification was seen inside, outside and in the wall of the vessels. Clinical,
radiological and histopathological symptoms are most consistent with meningioangiomatosis. The
differential diagnosis of brain calcifications is discussed.
Key words:
brain calcification, meningioangiomatosis, computer assisted tomography, histopathology,
mental deterioration