Psychosomatic pain: The convergence between neurological and psycho genie etiopatho genesis and the possibilities of psychotherapy.
Psychoterapeutická praxe, Bad Gottleuba, SRN Sdchsisches Institut fiir Psycho anály se und Psychoterapie, Leipzig, SRN Vedoucí: Dr. med. Arndt Ludwig. Pražská vysoká škola psychosociálních studií, Praha Rektor: PhDr. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D. Fakulta humanitních studií, Praha Děkan: prof. PhDr. Jan Sokol, Ph.D., CSc. |
This article concerns the possible connection between the neuronal and psychological hypothe-ses regarding the origin of psychosomatic diseases, exemplified by the model of psychogenic provoked pains. The authoťs conclusions are based on the new understanding of brain functi-ons and on his psychotherapeutic experience. A differentiated, multifactorial model for the etiopathogenesis of psychosomatic symptomatology is proposed, which is then illustrated in the form of short clinical cases. Particular attention is given to psychosomatic models that play an important role in the genesis of functional pain states: the somatic equivalent of emotions, somatisation of psychic painful experiences, psychic trauma and stress models and the regulation of pain perception. Specialised psychotherapy methods are indicated according to personality structures and psychodynamics.
Key words:
pain, brain function, psychosomatic, psychotherapy.