Causes of
Hospitalization in Chronically Haemodialyzed Patients
Funiaková M.1, Funiaková S.2, JežíkováA.1, HolmanB.1, MokáňM.1, Funiak S.3
1I. interná klinika Jesseniovej lekárskej fakulty UK, Martin, Slovenská republika, prednosta prof. MUDr. M. Mokáň, DrSc. 2Nefro-Dialyzačné centrum, s.r.o. Martin, Slovenská republika 3Oddelenie invazívnej kardiológie Martinskej fakultnej nemocnice, Martin, Slovenská republika, prednosta prim. doc. MUDr. S. Funiak, CSc. |
Patients taking dialysis regulary form a group with higher morbidity and mortality compared
with common population. The risk factors of the hospitalization in future in these patients are
supposed to be: older age, history of cardiovascular disease, comorbidity, vascular access other
than arterio-venous fistula, certain types of nefropathy and serum albumin level < 30 g/l. The
number of patients in chronic dialysis treatment in Slovakia rises. Therefore we have performed
a retrospective study. It´s aim was to evaluate the main reasons and risk factors of hospitalizations
in chronic haemodialysis patients in Turčiansky region. Methods: 80 patients undergoing
regular haemodialysis treatment in 2 dialysis centres during 24 months were included. Following
data were collected: age, gender, comorbidity, type of nefropathy, residual diuresis, some data
connected with dialysis treatment, laboratory parametres and body mass index. Results: During
the given period of time 66 per cent of the patients of our sample required hospitalization. The
main reasons of their hospitalization were complications of vascular access (13 %), surgery (12 %),
the sepsis (9 %) and serious bleeding (9 %). Hospitalized patients showed significantly lower BMI
and residual diuresis compared with non-hospitalized ones. They also suffered from greater
amount of other diseases. As for gender prevailed men and patients with a history of cardiovascular
disease, thrombosis and peptic ulcer. There was no connection between morbidity and age,
type of vascular access and laboratory parameters observed.
Key words:
Hospitalizations - Chronical heamodialysis program - Risk factors - Malnutrition