Background. Small intestine belongs to abdominal organs which are difficult to imagine. Methods of examination
have therefore continuously improved in order to get better picture of the intestine.
Methods and Results. CT enteroclysis represents a modern method of the small intestine imagining which combines
classical enteroclysis with spiral abdominal CT. Small intestine is filled with negative contrast material applied
by an enteric tube. The negative contrast material optimises visualisation of the intestinal wall, namely after the
enhancement using iodine intravenous contrast. Within 23 months we examined 33 patients with gastroenterological
indication using CT enteroclysis. In 31 cases results were technically satisfactory, small intestine was well filled by
the negative contrast material and sufficiently distended. According to clinical indications patients were classified into
four groups. Group A: 10 patients with problematic indications. No pathological changes were found in this group.
Group B: 8 patients suspected of Crohn’s disease. Only two cases were negative in this group. In 6 cases signs of
inflammation in the small or large intestine were found. Group C: 6 patients after the surgical treatment of Crohn’s
disease, suspected of the recurrence. All patients had signs of the recurrence. Group D: 7 patients with various clinical
diagnoses. Examination was in 2 cases negative, in other 5 cases some pathological changes of the intestine were
found: 1case of malabsorption, 3 cases of adhesion and hernia, 1 case of intestinal inflammation with covered perforation
and inter-intestinal abscess.
Conclusions. CT enteroclysis was confirmed to be effective method for high quality imaging of the small intestine
with associated tissues and the whole abdominal cavity. However, it is a method with represent irradiation, stress of
intravenous administration of the contrast material and the discomfort related to enteric tube. Examination should not
be indicated in cases of the problematic diagnosis only. However, in cases of correct indication signs of pathology
were frequently confirmed.
Key words:
CT enteroclysis, Crohn’s disease, iodine intravenous contrast.