Survey of Day Hospitals in the Czech Republic
Kitzlerová E., Pěč O.1, Raboch J., Howardová A., Stárková L., Baková N., Sekot M., Peichlová J.
Psychiatrická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN, Praha, přednosta prof. MUDr. J. Raboch, DrSc. Asociace denních stacionářů a krizových center, Praha,předseda PhDr. K. Koblic1 |
A questionnaire survey (mapping) of day hospitals in the Czech Republic was performed within
the framework in an international multi-centric study EDEN (European Day Hospital Evaluation)
in collaboration with the Association of Day Hospitals and Crisis Centers. The survey was done
since January 2001 to May 2002. From the 35 dispatched questionnaire, 24 were answered.
The following observations belong to the most important results: the most frequent functions of
day hospitals include: providing psychotherapy, social rehabilitation and supplementing outpatient
care. The psychoanalytical, social psychiatric and the case-oriented conduction model, respectively,
were most frequent among the therapeutic models. A psychiatrist with psychotherapeutic
quantification was leading the day hospital in the cases, a psychologist with psychotherapeutic
qualification in seven cases, two day hospitals were headed by a clinical psychologist and a nonerudite
clinical psychologist and another professional (social worker) was the head in the five
remaining day hospitals. The most frequently used therapeutic method was group psychotherapy,
followed by ergo-therapy, community and art therapy, respectively. On the basis of diagnoses in
the year 2000, most patients treated in day hospitals were suffering from an anxiotic disorder and
disorder in adaptation, followed by disorder in adaptation, patients suffering from mental disorders
and behavior disorders induced by the effect of psychoactive compounds, followed by patients
suffering from schizophrenia or an schizoaffective compound, followed by patients suffering
from schizophrenia or an schizoaffective disorder.
Key words:
EDEN, daily hospital, complete hospitalization.