Antibodies against Endothelia,
Phospholipids and Oxidized LDL in Patients with Endogenous Hypercortisolism
Malíčková K., Ježková J.1, Janatková I., Fučíková T., Marek J.1, Pecen L.2
Ústav imunologie a mikrobiologie VFN a 1. LF UK, Praha 1III. interní klinika VFN a 1. LF UK, Praha 2Ústav informatiky AV České republiky, Praha |
Antiphospholipid (APLA), antiendothelial (AECA) and anti-oxidized LDL (anti-oxLDL) autoantibodies
are found in vascular disorders. Pathogenetic contingency of atherosclerosis and these autoantibodies
is still discussed, the mechanisms of their action in atherogenesis are not quite clear so
Patients in various stages of endogenous hypercorticism as a model of accelerated atherosclerosis
were investigated.We have sought possible correlations between autoantibodies and parameters of
atherosclerosis with regard to the influence of endogenous hypercorticism on the inflammation.
Low titres of autoantibodies in patients with active forms of disease result fromthe immunosupressive
effect of steroids. None of investigated group had high titres of APLA.No differences were found
in AECA occurrence. No correlation of APLA, anti-oxLDL nor AECA with urinary free cortisol and
plasma cortisol was found. There were no significant differences in autoantibody titres between
patients with or without carotid stenosis.
These results suggest, that autoantibodies may not always influence the development and progression
of atherosclerotic lesions.
Key words:
antiphospholipid antibodies – APLA, antiendothelial antibodies – AECA, autoantibodies
against oxidized LDL – anti-oxLDL, endogenous hypercorticism – Cushing’s syndrome, atherosclerosis.