Oral Administration
of Iron with Vitamin C in Haemodialyzed Patients
Derzsiová K., Mydlík M., Boldizsár J., Hríbiková M., Petrovičová J.
Nefrologická klinika Fakultnej nemocnice L. Pasteura Košice, prednosta prof. MUDr. M. Mydlík, DrSc. Dialyzačné stredisko Internej kliniky NsP Nové Zámky, prednosta doc. MUDr. I. Ďuriš, CSc. Oddelenie klinickej biochémie NsP Nové Zámky, prednosta Ing M. Hríbiková Ústav lekárskej informatiky Lekárskej fakulty UPJŠ Košice, prednosta RNDr. J. Petrovičová, PhD. |
One tablet of Sorbifer
contains 100 mg Fe
and 60 mg vitamin C. The authors examined
in a short-term study 24 haemodialyzed patients with chronic renal failure of different etiology.The investigation was divided into three parts. During the first 4 weeks the patients did not
receive Fe
nor vitamin C. During the subsequent four weeks the patients had Sorbifer
, one tablet /24 hours.This period was followed by another four weeks when the patients went
again without Fe
and vitamin C treatment. At regular intervals, i.e. on days 0, 28, 56 and 84 the
authors assessed the packed cell volume, blood haemoglobin and serum iron level, the total iron
binding capacity, transferrin saturation, ferritin, and vitamin C in serum as well as the plasma
oxalic acid level. Four weeks treatment using Sorbifer
led to a significant rise of the
packed cell volume and haemoglobin in blood, iron and vitamin C in serum. This treatment did
not affect the oxalic acid plasma level.
Oral treatment with Sorbifer
, one tablet/24 hours, was adequate for maintaining the
serum iron concentration in haemodialyzed patients during treatment with recombinant human
erythropoietin. This treatment prevented at the same time the development of vitamin C deficiency in serum and a further rise of plasma oxalic acid in these patients.
Key words:
Haemodialyzed patients - Serum iron - Serum vitamin C - Plasma oxalic acid