Proteomics Techniques and their Application in Haematological Malignancies
1,2Zelená J., 1,2,3Hájek R.
1Laboratoř experimentální hematologie a buněčné imunoterapie, Oddělení klinické hematologie FN, Brno–Bohunice 2Centrum základního výzkumu pro mnohočetný myelom a monoklonální gamapatie – Integrované laboratoře biomedicínských technologií, Univerzitní kampus MU, Brno–Bohunice 3Interní hematoonkologická klinika FN, Brno–Bohunice |
The understanding haematological malignancies at the protein level is important for the prediction
of therapy response, the possibility for disease diagnostics, the development of targeted treatment,
and it must be based on the knowledge regarding the molecular pathogenesis of the tumour.
‘Proteomics’ describes the analysis of the entire proteome of a cell or a tissue and incorporates
multiple technologies, including - Western blotting, two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, and ProteinChip-based technology. Although there is a limited
number of studies to date in haematological malignancies, those performed highlight the potential
impact of these technologies in the discovery of novel markers associated with the drug resistance
and the identification of biomarkers which may facilitate the development of a rapid diagnostic test
that would be easily applicable in the clinical setting. Thereby this article describes used proteomics
techniques and highlights studies regarding proteomic research in haematological malignancies,
namely the primarily publications concerning research of multiple myeloma, leukaemias and
Key words:
proteomics, methods, haematological malignancies.