Intestinal Parasites in Children of the
Turiec Region – Long-term Aspect. How to Proceed with Preventive Parasitological
Straka Š. 1 , Baška T. 1 , Maďar R. 1 , Hudečková H. 2
1 Ústav epidemiológie, Jesseniova lekárska fakulta Univerzity Komenského, Martin 2 Štátny zdravotný ústav, Martin |
The results of preventive parasitological examinations for intestinal parasites in preschool and
school children of the Turiec Region (Central Slovakia) in 1970–1999 are submitted. The study is
divided into three cross-sections in the following decades (1970–1979; 1980–1989; 1990–1999). An
acute decrease in geohelminths virtually to zero values has been found, as well as a significant
decrease in intestinal protozoans. The occurrence of Enterobius vermicularis, despite its significant
decrease in the recent decade, remains on a relatively high level. In the conclusion the authors
discuss continuation of parasitological field examinations, and, on the basis of their 30-year
experience, they submit their recommendations for the simplest and most effective way of such
Key words:
intestinal parasites – geohelminths – intestinal protozoans – Enterobius vermicularis.