The author describe experiences with implantation of the intraocular len
AcrySof MA30BA by the Monarch IOL delivery ystem.They consider the facility
of Monarch ’system completion,the location of the lens in the cartridge and its
folding,lens passage through the cartridge and its expandation intraoculary.
Theauthors evaluate the widthof incision necessary for the conduction of injector,
peroperative and postoperative course,final visual acuity and inducted astigma-
tism.The results of the work show that implantation of the len AcrySof MA30BA
by the IOL Monarch delivery system is easy and safe.The width of incision after
implantation perform criterion of the no stitch technique and correspond
contemporary requirements of the modern cataract surgery of small incision.
Key words:
Intraocular lens AcrySof MA30BA,IOLMonarch deliverysystem,width
of incision,inducted astigmatism.