Malá E., Hrdlička M.
Institut postgraduálního vzdělávání ve zdravotnictví, Praha, subkatedra dětské psychiatrie IPVZ,ředitel MUDr. A. Malina Ph.D. Dětská psychiatrická klinika FN Motol, Praha, přednosta doc. MUDr. M. Hrdlička, CSc. |
The context of sexual orientation is based on the facts that the individual is attracted by persons
of ther other or of the same sex. The gender identity disorder (GD) and subclinical variants occur
in 3 to 4 per cent of children. Transsexualism is characterized by the intensive wish to live, look
like and behave as a person of the opposite sex. Causes of the disorders remains uncovered,
a biological-maturation explanation prevails since the 80ies. The center responsible for fetal dimorphism
of the brain is localized in hypothalamus. Sexual differentiation may be caused by the
size of BSTc (bed nucleus of stria terminalis). The gender identity is due to interaction between
intrauterine evolution of the brain and the level of gonadotropic hormones. A surgical reconstruction
of disorder of sexual identity – transsexualism – remains to be the most suitable treatment.
A hormonal preparation is indicated before the operation. The surgical change of sex should be
realized by a specialized team uder strict diagnostic and indication criteria.
Key words:
gender identity disorder, biological-maturation theory of transsexualism, bed nucleus
of stria terminalis (BSTc), hormonal testosterone or estrogen preparation, surgical reconstruction.