Relationship betweem Breathing Movements and Posture
ČumpelíkJ.1, Vele F.2, Veverková M.3, Strnad P.2, Krobot A.4
1 Národní divadlo, Praha 2 Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu UK, Praha 3 Institut postgraduálního vzdělávání ve zdravotnictví, Praha 4 Klinika rehabilitačního a tělovýchovného lékařství LF UK a FN, Olomouc |
There is increasing evidence that stability and posture are connected with the back pain. The clinical experience of the postural stability shows that there is a link between the breathing mechanisms and posture. Our contribution shows how the diaphragm, seen in the diagram of magnetic resonance, reacts to the changes in the posture. When we change the position of the head we get aiways different response of the diaphragm in the position and following process of the breathing movement.
Key words:
posture, diaphragm, movements of the chest, MRI