Autoimmune Ovarian Failure in Adolescent Girls
Kosová H., Hořejší J., 1Martínek J., 2Veselá M.
Klinika gynekologie dětí a dospívajících 2. LF UK a FNM, Praha 1Ústav histologie a embryologie 1. LF UK a VFN, Praha 2Pediatrická klinika 2. LF UK a FNM, Praha |
Background. The aim of the study was to map the incidence of antiovarian antibodies (AOA) in adolescent girls with
ovarian cycle irregularities in comparison with girls with the regular cycle. The relation between the AOA positivity
and structural changes in the bioptic samples of ovaria was examined.
Material and Results. The studied cohort included 39 girls with primary amenorrhea (N=18) and oligo/secondary
amenorrhea (N=21). All patients were tested for the presence of antiovarian antibodies (AOA) in the serum and levels
of FSH and LH. The examination was done at the beginning of the study and after six months of therapy, in most of
the cases by the hormone substitution treatment. In indicated cases the laparoscopic ovarian biopsy was done.
A patients with serious failure of ovarian cycle the positivity of antibodies against various components of ovaria was
found. Significantly higher levels of FSH was also found, LH levels were not higher. In our patients the depletion and
alteration of the follicular apparatus in the cortex of ovaria belonged to the common findings. The control examination
after the six month of hormonal substitution brought about lower levels of AOA, in some patients AOA fully
Conclusions. Incidence mapping of antiovarian antibodies in patients with ovarian cycle irregularities correlate with
findings of elevated atresia. Ovarian cycle irregularities can later or earlier turn into the extinction of the follicular
apparatus and fibrotization of the ovarian cortex.
Key words:
autoimmune ovarian failure, premature ovarian failure, antiovarian antibodies, adolescent girls,
hormonal substitution therapy.