Multiple Sclerosis in the Košice and Prešov
Regions. Results of a Questionnaire Survey
Klímová E., Szilasiová J., Veselá D., Gaško R
Neurologická klinika FNsP a LF UPJŠ, Košice Vzájomná zdravotná poistovňa, pobočka, Košice |
Multiple sclerosis is a complex chronic disease with an ample neurological symptomatology and needs pretentious management. It is assumed that in the Slovak Republic there are some 3-5000 subjects suffering from this disease. The authors analyze the results of a questionnaire survey implemented in the Košice and Prešov region between Nov 1, 1999 and Jun 30, 2000. They addressed 270 respondenta with clinically defined multiple sclerosis - 176 women and 94 men. The assembled data provide information on the prevalence, diagnostic standard and treatment of the disease as well as on the quality of life of respondenta living in eastern Slovakia.
Key words:
multiple sclerosis, quality of life, eastern Slovakia