Condition of Children after Assisted Reproduction
in the Czech Republic in the Period of 1995-1999
Šípek A.1,2, Gregor V.3,4, Rychtaříková J.5, Mardešić T.6,7, Horáček J.3,4, Mašátová D.8
1Ústav pro péči o maku a dítě, Praha-Podolí, ředitel doc. MUDr. J. Feyereisl, CSc. 2Katedra gynekologie a porodnictví, Institut postgraduálního vzdělávání ve zdravotnictví, Praha, ředitel MUDr. A. Malina, PhD. 3Oddělení lékařské genetiky, Fakultní Thomayerova nemocnice, Praha, MUDr. P. Horák, CSc., MBA 4Katedra lékařské genetiky, Institut postgraduálního vzdělávání ve zdravotnictví, Praha, ředitel MUDr. A. Malina, PhD. 5Katedra demografi e a geodemografi e, Přírodovědecká fakulta UK, Praha 6Subkatedra reprodukční medicíny, Institut postgraduálního vzdělávání ve zdravotnictví, Praha, ředitel MUDr. A. Malina, PhD. 7Sanatorium Pronatal, Praha 8Ústav zdravotnických informací a statistiky České republiky, Praha, ředitelka Mgr. V. Mazánková |
Introduction and Problem: Since the introduction of in vitro fertilization (IVF) there has been
continuing discussion on possible genetic defects and malformations in children in connection
with the technique of assisted reproduction. These data have not been so far analyzed in the all-
-state scale of the Czech Republic and our contribution thereby contributes by present complex
analysis of the data to the knowledge of this problem in this country.
Material and Methods: The paper analyzes data of children from IVF Registry for the years 1995-
1998 and compares the results obtained with those of children born after spontaneous pregnancy
in the Czech Republic in the period of 1995-1999. The incidence of inborn defects in children born
after IVF methods has been confronted with data from the VV Registry after spontaneous conception.
It is a retrospective analysis of individual anonymous data.
Results: In the period of 1995-1998 there were 3.782 successful pregnancies after IVF, which ended
by successful delivery of the children. In the period of 1995-1999, 367735 children were born in the
Czech Republic on the whole. In the total number of 3.782 successful pregnancies, 5.126 children
were born, 5.108 being born alive and were stillborn. The frequency of children having been delivered
with an inborn defect were 2.98 % in the IVF children and 2.77% in other born children, the
difference not being statistically signifi cant.
Conclusion: The analysis of our cohort of IVF children has not revealed increased rate of inborn
defects in comparison with children born after spontaneously conception.
Key words:
assisted reproduction, genetic defect, malformations