Objective: To report a case of successful pregnancy outcome after embolization treatment of
symptomatic leiomyoma.
Design: Case report.
Setting: Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of University Hospital, Hradec Králové.
Subject and Method: A 41-year old primigravida who had previously undergone uterine artery
embolization and myomectomy had successful course of the spontaneously conceived pregnancy
terminated per sectionem caesaream. An analysis of the 50 published cases of pregnancy after
uterine artery embolization revealed the following complications: spontaneous abortion (22%),
malpresentation (17%), hypotrophy (7%), premature delivery (28%), caesarean section (58%) and
postpartum haemorhage (13%).
Conclusion: Whether this procedure is safe for women desiring future fertility is controversial.
There are very few data regarding the ouctomes of pregnancies after embolization.
Key words:
pregnancy, uterine myoma, uterine artery embolization