Speaking at present of changes in the relation ofthe physician and the patient, in question is námely a shift from paternalism towards greater partnership. The Institute of Health Policy and Economics (IHPE) has car-ried out an empirical survey with the aim to reveal the patients' view on their present relations with generál practitioners. It has been found that present relations of the physician and the patient within the frame-work of primary health care in the Czech Republic can in no way be considered to be without any problems, and notwithstanding the favorable rating of satisfaction with selected aspect the patients are calling for a change. It has been confirmed that at present in the čzech Republic there still predominate paternalistic ele-ments in relations between the physician and the patient in primary health care although the patienťs demands in this respect háve shifted towards greater partnership. The results of this survey show that patients are refusing to be just a diagnosis for their physicians and seek to be a concrete person. The results of the survey point to that a description and a more detailed analysis of the factors acting on the relations of the physician and the patient are essential for understanding those relations, and are a challenge for future studies of the given problems.
Key words:
patient and physician relations - paternalism - autonomy - partnership.