Surgical treatment of myasthenia gravis at the 3rd Department of Surgery, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
in Prague, has long tradition. It originated in sixties of the 20th century. Over 1000 operations of a thymus has been
carried out since that time, especially thymectomy for myasthenia gravis (MG) and for less frequent thymomas. The
complete removal of thymus – thymectomy accompanied with exenteration of the fat in frontal mediastinum belongs
to the principal MG surgery. According to our experience, the optimal approach to the thymus is a partial sternotomy.
The jugular approach is not regarded as sufficiently radical. Videothoracoscopic approach and operation are possible
but they are longer. They represent amethod of choice at someworkplaces. The combinedMGtreatment (conservative
medicamentous and surgery treatment) brings in 80% a visible improvement and a deletion of symptoms of the
Key words:
myasthenia gravis, thymoma, partial sternotomy.