Damage of Left Ventricular Function after Treatment with Doxorubicin in Patients with Malig-
nant Lymphomas
Elbl L. 1 , Chaloupka V. 1 , Vášová I. 2 , Nehyba S. 1 , Vorlíček J. 2 , Navrátil M. 2 ,
1 Oddělení funkčního vyšetřování FN Brno, pracoviště Bohunice, přednosta |
The authors evaluated using clinical and echocardiographic examination the effect of chemothe-
rapy involving bolus administration of doxorubicin on the heart muscle in 90 patients with
non-Hodgkin lymphoma and with Hodgkin lymphoma.
In 18% of patients they found an asymptomatic decrease of the left ventricular ejection fraction
during chemotherapy, chronic cardiotoxicity was recorded in 5 % patients, in 2 % of the patients
one year after termination of chemotherapy a clinically latent myocardial infarction was found.
The diastolic function was impaired (impaired relaxation) in 44 % patients after terminated che-
motherapy and in 50 % after one year. Echocardiographic examination provided evidence that the
impaired systolic and diastolic function persists even after one year following termination of
High-dose chemotherapy with administration of peripheral stem cells did not lead to marked
deterioration of left ventricular function as compared with patients who did not undergo this
The main clinical complications - death, cardiotoxicity, relapse of the malignant disease, cardio-
vascular complications - were present in the course of a 18.5-month follow up after establishment
of the diagnosis in 32 % of the patients.
Key words:
Cardiotoxicity - Doxorubicin - Cardiac failure - Echocardiography.