Experimental Correction of Irregular Astigmatism in Patients with Keratoconus by Thermoplasty Using a Diode Laser
Hycl J., Janek M., Valešová L., Růžička P.*, Donát A.*, Kuhnová G.**, Jančárek A.**
Oční klinika VFN a 1. LF UK Praha, přednosta doc. MUDr.Martin Filipec, CSc. Fakulta strojní ČVUT v Praze,Ústav mechaniky, vedoucí prof. Ing. Svatava Konvičková, CSc. **Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská ČVUT v Praze, Katedra fyzikální elektroniky, vedoucí prof. Ing.Miroslava Vrbová, CSc. |
Objective: To evaluate the potential of diode laser thermokeratoplasty (DTK) in
the correction of irregular astigmatism in patients with keratoconus.
Group and Methods: the coagulation of deep layers of cornea stroma was made on
four eyes of four patients suffering from advanced keratoconus at the mean age
of 31 years bymeans of the infrared contact cw laser Prolaser Rodenstock 1.9 DTK.
The aim of the treatment was to increase the curvature of cornea in flat meridians
andto compensate flatteningof cornea in steepmeridiansbywayof formingtraction
strips between the contracted tissue of individual coagulation points. The changes
on the cornea topography and changes of visual functions were determined.
Results: The diode laser keratoplasty is capable to induce sector increase of cornea
curvature and thereby improve symmetry pictures of irregular astigmatism keratoconus. For a definitive inclusion of DLK into the spectrum of clinically applicable procedures, other therapeutic studies are needed as well as larger
groups with relatively homogeneous pre-operation pictures.
Key words:
keratoconus, irregular astigmatism, thermokeratoplasty, DTK, FEM