In 1994–1999 in the Czech Republic 8 036 cases of viral hepatitis A were notified, 205 (2.6%) being
imported. During the same period 3 801 cases of viral hepatitis B were recorded incl. 44 (1.2%)
imported ones. Transmission of viral hepatitis A was most frequent after tourist trips abroad,
imported cases of viral hepatitis B were accounted for mostly by foreigners (40.9%) most frequently
from the Ukraine. In both infections among patients males predominated – 62.9% and 63.6% resp.
The highest risk for tourists is at present as trip to Asia. During the follow up period the attack rate
was when calculated per 100 000 trips per year 4.2–5.1 and 0.5–0.6 resp. With regard to the so far
limited interest in vaccination against the two infections before trips abroad it is desirable to
promote the necessary knowledge not only among tourists but also among employees of travel
Key words:
viral hepatitis A – viral hepatitis B – import – vaccination.