Psoriatic arthritis is one of the spondylarthritic diseases with a characteristic radiographic image.
On the basis of the published data and considering their own experience with a group of patients
treated at the Institute of Rheumatology, authors describe the main radiographic changes of the
peripheral and axial skeleton. Detailed description of pictures illustrates the individual manifestations
of the psoriatic arthritis, namely the changes of hands and foots. Destructive arthritis affects
preferentially distal interfalangeal joints of hands and foots and interfalangeal joints of foot. Other
typical signs an osseous ankylosis of interfalangeal joints of hands and foots, resorption of acral
parts of the last phalanges, juxtaarticular periostosis and new formation of bone tissue, osteoperiostitis
of the last phalanges. The impairement of the axial skeleton manifests with formation of
syndesmophytes or para-syndesmophytes, with destructive changes of sacroiliac joints of various
degrees. The essential characteristics, which differentiate X-ray image of the psoriatic arthritis from
the rheumatoid arthritis, reactive arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, diffuse idiopathic skeletal
hyperostosis are presented. Paper is accompanied with ample picture documentation.
Key words:
psoriatic arthritis, radiographic changes, entezopathy