Development of Reproductive Health among Women in
Štembera Z., Velebil P., Kraus J. 1 , Čakiová E. 1
Ústav pro péči o matku a dítě, Praha-Podolí, ředitel ing. V. Wollmuth 1 Český statistický úřad, odbor statistiky obyvatelstva, ředitelka ing. J. Růžková, CSc. |
The aim of the study: To identify changes in reproductive health status as consequence of changes
in the system of health care and social affairs.
The aim of this part of study: To identify changes in use of different contraceptive methods among
women of reproductive age in the Czech Republic.
Type of the study: Retrospective comparative epidemiological study.
Name and address of the institution: Institute for the Care of Mother and Child Praha 4 - Podolí.
Methods: Comparison of data on contraceptive use among women of reproductive age from two
representative national surveys (see the first part of the study). Analysis was done by demograp-
hic characteristics using programs developed by the Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Geor-
gia, U.S.A.
Results: There was no difference in proportion of women using one of four methods of contracep-
tion in 1993 sample and in 1997 sample (60%), however, there was change in their order. While the
most frequently used method in 1993 sample was withdrawal (18.6% out of 60% of contraceptive
users) and the pills were the last used method (7.7%), the order in 1997 sample was just opposite
(pills 23.9%, withdrawal 6.7%). The proportion of condom and IUD users remained practically
unchanged. With decline of withdrawal users, the proportion of other three methods increased
from 37% to 52% (out of 60% of contraceptive users). The hormonal contraception was preferred
method among women with higher education, while condom was the most popular among women
with occasional intercourse or women with different partners (single women, women without
children, divorced women).
Conclusion: The withdrawal and condom users were the more frequent methods of contraception
in 1993 sample versus two other methods (ratio 2:1), while this has changed in 1997 sample in
favor of IUD and hormonal contraception users (ratio 3:2). We could conclude that the responsibi-
lity for contraception has been transferred from men to women.
Key words:
reproduction, comparative epidemiology, hormonal contraception, IUD, condom, wit-