1. 110 myopes undergoiyng photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) with refraction
from - 0,25 D to -12,0 D were divided into 4 groups: A: upto -2.75 D, B: -3.0 D to -5.75
D, C: -6.0 D to -8,75 D and D: -9.0 D to -12,0 D. BCVA using the computerized method
with Landolt rings and CS using an adjustment method with ascendent and
descendent approach to treshold contrast adaptation on a computerized system
of the Contrast sensitivity 8010 type were examined in patients before and 1 year
after PRK. 20 emmetropes of the same median age were evaluated as a control
2. Preoperative BCVA and CS in myopes of all four groups was significantly lower
(p < 0,05 až p < 0,001), compared to controls. Decrease of functions was proportional
to refraction.
3. With increasing refraction less patients were within ±0,5 D and ±1,0 D after
4. Twelve months after PRK, BCVA in the group A reached the level of controls,
CS in the same time interval was equal to control even in groups A and B.
5. According to results of our study, PRK is a suitable method for myopia upto
-6.0 D.
Key words:
photorefractive keratectomy, myopia, contrast sensitivity, logMAR