The authors describe luminometric analysis of neutrophil respiratory burst in microtitre plates.
They analyzed the neutrophil luminescence in small volumes of whole blood and in the so-called
buffy coat (plasma with leucocytes after removal of erythrocytes by dextran sedimentation).
To produce respiratory burst four types of activators were used: opsonized zymosan, phorbol
myristate acetate, N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe and calcium ionophore A23187. It was revealed that the
chemiluminescence response of neutrophils in whole blood and in the buffy coat is very similar in
different types of activators, although the chemiluminescence activity of whole blood was always
lower as compared with the buffy coat. This was probably due to an increased expression of cell
receptors as a result of the separation procedure on the one hand and quenching properties of
erythrocytes (haemoglobin) on the other hand. From the assembled results ensues that luminometric analysis in microtitre plates is a reliable protocol for assessment of the neutrophil respiratory
burst, whereby assessment in whole blood should be preferred.
Key words:
chemiluminescence – neutrophils – respiratory burst.