Omentoplasty as a Part of Complex Management of Postpneumonectomy
Empyema with Large Bronchopleural Fistula
Belák J., Janík M., Kudláč M.
II. chirurgická klinika UPJŠ LF, FN L. Pasteura Košice, Slovenská republika, prednosta: MUDr. J. Belák, PhD. |
The authors present a case reivew of a patient with thoracic empyema and large bronchopleural fistula. Following preceeding failing
procedures, the condition was managed using Eloesser open drainage, the pleural cavity was cleared and the main bronchus fistula was
sutured using omentoplasty. A pediculated omental flap (Kiricutu) was transposed into the pleural cavity through the diaphragm. The flap
was used to cover the bronchial suture and fill the pleural cavity. Finally, thoracoplasty and suturing of the thorax was performed. Postoperative
course was positive, with no complications recorded and, currently, the patient is asymptomatic.
Treatment of postpneumonectomic empyema with bronchopleural fistula requires complex approach in several steps. During the final
phase, following the pleural cavity drainage and clearing and when the dehiscent bronchus is sutured, omental flaps, transposed from the
abdominal into the thoracic cavity, may be used to cover the suture and to obliterate the postpneumonectomic pleural cavity. Significance
of omentoplasty consists in its features, such as: neovascularization, resorption and absorption qualities, immunological and mechanical
functions, which, finally, facilitate healing of serious postpneumonectomic complications.
Key words:
postpneumonectomic empyema – bronchopleurala fistula – omentoplasty – thoracoplasty