The authors focused attention on objectivization of the severity of chest injuries and associated
injuries using the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) and the New Injury Severity Score (NISS). They
evaluated injuries detected on post-mortem examination in subjects who died from the sequelae
of injuries in the Faculty Hospital Prague 10. The group comprised a total of 90 subjects regar-
dless of sex aged 17 - 94 years who died in the hospital in 1996 - 2000. Traffic injuries accounted
for 70 % deaths, other blunt injuries for 27.8 % and only 2.2 % were penetrating injuries of the
chest. The mean AIS value of the chest was 3.7, the mean value of NISS was 50.7. The NISS value
declined in relation to age of the deceased patients and the period of survival. The period of
survival varied from 30 mins. to 136 days. The mean NISS value on survival up to 5 hours after
injury was 55.0. On comparison of our group we found that the results were consistent with those
of American studies.
Key words:
chest injury - AIS - NISS