Low birth weight is according to many studies associated with later incidence of type2 diabetes,
hypertension and in lower degree with obesity and hypertriacylglycerolemia. Detection of history
of low birth weight could have some importance in detection of persons with metabolic syndrome
and cardiovascular risk. In the pathogenesis can be involved fetal selection of thrifty genes which
are later unable to overcome low physical activity and overfeeding in adult age. More probable is
that low birth weight is primary of genetic origin. The same genetic origin can be involved in BMI
rebound in childhood, development of insulin resistance, weight gain and later incidence of
metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Detection of all these phenomena is important in selecting
patients in diabetes and cardiovascular risk for preventive intervention.
Key words:
Low birth weight - BMI rebound - Inzulinresistance - Thrifty gene - Prevention of