Diagnostics of Disorders of Sensor-motor Functions of the Hand
in Patients after Ischemic Vascular Event (a Case Study)
Macháčková K.1,2, Vyskotová J.1, Opavský J.3, Sochorová H.1
1Katedra rehabilitace, Zdravotně sociální fakulta OU, Ostrava 2Klinika léčebné rehabilitace, Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava 3Katedra fyzioterapie, Fakulta tělesné kultury UP, Olomouc |
The impairments of sensorimotor hand functions after a stroke have a negative impact on the subject@s interaction with external settings
and on performing common daily and working activities and thus on the quality of his or her life.
Since the structure and function of the cerebral cortex is capable of after-stroke modifications, new therapies are being looked for that
support the desirable plasticity of the CNS to the maximum.
The main condition for a successful treatment is a reliable target-focused examination of all hand functions affected by the stroke. This
requires both a differentiated and complex examination.
This thesis presents the results and experiences of treating patients hospitalized after a stroke. The impaired motor and somatosensoric
functions have been assessed through somatosensoric and manipulation tests. In three case studies, the differences are pointed
out between the results of the clinical nerological hand exmination and the functional hand examination. Both examinations use
target-focused specialized tests.
Key words:
stroke, post-stroke hand, sensorimotor functions, hand function tests, neurological examination