Syndrome of Androgenic Insensitivity
Toporcerová S., Ostró A., Hredzák R., Adam J.
II. gynekologicko-pôrodnícka klinika LF UPJŠ a FN L. Pasteura, Košice, Slovenská republika, prednosta doc. MUDr. A. Ostró, CSc. |
Objective: A survey of present knowledge on the syndrome of androgenic intensitivity.
Type of study: Survey of literature.
Setting: 2nd Deparcment of Obscetries and Gynaecology, P. J. Safarik University and L. Pasteur
University Hospital, Košice, Slovak Republic
Conclusions: The complete androgenic insensitivity is the third most frequent cause of primary
amenorrhea. It is a hereditary disease associated with chromosome X. The occurrence of mild forms of androgenic insensitivity in the population is not known, but it probably represents large
group of patients with azoospermia.
Key words:
androgenic insensitivity, testicular feminization, androgenic receptor