Surveillance of Serious Diseases
Caused by Group A Streptococci in the Czech Republic in 2003 – the Strep-EURO
Straková L.1, pracovní skupina Strep-EURO2, Motlová J.1, Urbášková P.1, Křížová P.1
1Centrum epidemiologie a mikrobiologie, Státní zdravotní ústav, Praha 2pracovní skupina Strep-EURO v roce 2003 = mikrobiologové a kliničtí lékaři ze zdravotnických zařízení v Benešově, Brně (FN Brno a FN U sv. Anny), Českých Budějovicích, Havlíčkově Brodě, Hořovicích, Kladně, Karlových Varech, Karviné, Kolíně, Liberci, Mostě, Novém Jičíně, Opavě, Ostravě, Pardubicích, Plzni, Praze (FN Bulovka, FN Královské Vinohrady, Nemocnice Na Homolce, ThomayerovaFN Krč), Příbrami, Strakonicích,Táboře, Třebíči,Trutnově, Ústí nad Labem a Vsetíně. |
Results obtained in the first year of active surveillance of serious diseases caused by group
A streptococci in the Czech Republic carried out within the Strep-EURO project are summarized.
From January to December 2003, 28 Czech laboratories referred to the National Institute of Public
Health 59 group A streptococcal strains isolated from invasive diseases meeting the Strep-EURO
definition. At the same time, clinical-epidemiological data and information on the catchment area
population were provided. For 2003, the total morbidity and case fatality rates were calculated to
be 1.3/100 000 population and 13.5 %, respectively. A high proportion (23.7 %) of the 59 strains were
of type emm 1, initially labeled M1. As many as 24.1 %, 17.2 % and 20.7 % of the strains tested were
resistant to erythromycin, clindamycin and tetracycline, respectively. The seemingly lower morbidity
rate and higher case fatality rate from serious diseases caused by group A streptococci reported
in the Czech Republic for 1994–1996, i.e. 0.4/100 000 and 46.5 %, respectively, in comparison with the
latest data can be explained by the use of softer international criteria for the Strep-EURO definition
of invasive disease.
Key words:
emm typing – invasive GAS – resistance – streptococcus – surveillance.